Hardware functions, maintenance and repair performed by DigitalDUDE include (but are not limited to):

Laptop / Desktop Upgrades:

CPU Upgrade: $50 (plus cost or provision of CPU)
RAM Upgrade: $25 (plus cost or provision of RAM)
GPU Upgrade: $50 (plus cost or provision of GPU – includes driver installation)

Drive / Disk Upgrades:

HDD replacement with SSD: $25 (plus cost or provision of SSD)
O.S. Replacement on SSD: see software services
HDD Migration to SSD: $100
HDD Data Transfer to SSD: $25 – $100 (depending on amount of data)

Special Considerations:

Overheating Repair (laptop): $80 (includes regular dustcleaning)
Overheating Repair (deskptop): $60 (includes regular dustcleaning)
Dustcleaning (laptop): $60
Dustcleaning (desktop): $40

Special Repairs:

Powerjack repair (laptop): $80 (fee if casing undamaged)
Powerjack repair (laptop): $120 (fee if casing is damaged)



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