Water Damage:

DigitalDUDE does an outstanding job at servicing water damaged electronics. We have about a 40%-60% rate overall, with a 20% probably (usually) of fixing (cleaning and repairing) heavily water damaged mobile phones and nearly a 50% chance of fixing lightly water damaged mobile phones.

If you have a water damaged device OR a device acting funny in intermittent ways, turn off your power, remove your battery (if possible) and DO NOT connect it to a power source. Then ‘contact‘ DigitalDUDE for help.

DigitalDUDE can water damage repair desktops, laptops, tablets, phablets, mobile phones (smartphones) MP3 players, iPods, iPads, televisions, monitors, stereos and other forms of digital / electronic device.

Water damage repair costs are on a per-device basis. Call or email today (link above) for a quote.



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