DigitalDUDE provides easy to use website design services within an economically sufficient range for artists, home office / small business arrangements and other consultants and sole proprietors who don’t want and/or can’t afford a huge online expense.

DigitalDUDE websites start at $250 per basic site (including up to 10 pages – meaning up to 10 available menu / submenu options where copy of pages per menu option is provided by customer – DigitalDUDE may change copy slightly for search engine facilitation if requested by customer).

DigitalDUDE also provides portfolio building options, online store options and many other CMS based web design capacities including forums, wikis and related ‘site bundle’ type architectures / design services.

DigitalDUDE remains focused on simplicity, functionality and security. For $250 your DigitalDUDE designed website comes with enhanced security protection (often at a hosting level, but might cost extra depending on selection), and will always always include site security (in terms of WordPress, Joomla or other CMS related security). This level of protection stops much of the ‘automatic hacking’ efforts of online scripts and robots which is sufficient for most standard users with an online presence.



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