A DigitalDUDE basic website starts at $250. This website includes from 1-10 pages (where copy/content is to be provided by the customer). The website will be a WordPress generated website and will include WordPress installation, WordPress theme and a WordPress security script which provides protection against malicious attacks on site.

This $250 fee is separate from the domain names purchase. The domain name is purchased (or registered) at a $25 fee from DigitalDUDE. This $25 fee is in addition to the purchase cost of the domain name.

$250 fee for basic site includes a $50 (per year) hosting fee. Additional years after the first year can be retained from DigitalDUDE at a cost of $50 per year. Mitigating factors to this include clients with more than 1 website on DigitalDUDE. If you have more than 1 website to host, DigitalDUDE will take care of registering your host and building those sites on that registered host. Cost in this case will be $25 per domain name as well as the overall (yearly) cost of that hosting services for your additional websites.



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